Healthcare And Medicine stock videos, footage & clips
Why go to a walk-in clinic when you can get royalty-free stock healthcare and medicine videos from iStock? With our library of health-related stock footage, you get complete coverage of nurses, doctors, and other health care professionals, along with today's cutting-edge medical technology.
Unique Healthcare and medicine finds from our Signature collection
iStock’s ever-growing Signature collection features millions of authentic videos—including these awe-inspiring Healthcare and medicine videos—that you won’t find on any other stock site.

Wide dolly shot of an Asian female radiologist analysing a head MRI scan on her computer alongside her male colleague. Shot in Slovenia.

Healthcare And Medicine, Backgrounds, Technology

Group of medical workers standing at corridor listening to female doctor about the day's work at hospital during the pandemic.

Hand with a rubber stamp. Stamping PAST DUE on a billing statement.

Male Doctor wear uniform Holding hand of patient, Slow motion, older people healthcare support concept, close up view
Most popular Healthcare and medicine videos
These eye-catching videos have a recognizable quality and universal appeal that connects with audiences everywhere.

Ensuring accuracy to their data

We're all part of one world

Waiting room in OB-GYN polyclinic

Wide dolly shot of a female radiology technologist sitting in the control room as the MRI technologist is preparing the patient in the imaging room. Shot in Slovenia.

Asian surgeons using augmented reality glasses learning to examining human internal organ to perform surgery in modern hospital.

Male doctor talking to large group of people during a medical seminar in hospital.

There are scientists in 4k resolution video. The hologram uses the services offered by technology from the screen. He is doing data analysis from the digital program. The man has a mask in his mouth, a cap on his head and a white glove in his hand. HUD graphical user interface

A mature male doctor calls a staff meeting to order. He then hands a document to a female colleague. The female doctor begins to give a presentation. The other healthcare professionals and hospital administrators begin to review copies of the document as the female doctor gives the presentation. The female doctor also uses a laptop during the presentation.
Best practices for finding the best visuals
For helpful advice on choosing visuals that will elevate your brand, check out our blog
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