Backgrounds stock photos, images & pictures
Get background pictures and royalty-free images from iStock. Find high-quality stock photos that you won't find anywhere else.

Background pattern
Geometric background
christmas backgrounds
Backgrounds designs
Spring backgrounds
Fall backgrounds
Cool backgrounds
Red backgrounds
Summer backgrounds
Fun backgrounds
Backgrounds people
Winter backgrounds
Tech backgrounds
Wood backgrounds
Watercolor backgrounds
Technology backgrounds
Purple backgrounds
Unique Backgrounds finds from our Signature collection
iStock’s ever-growing Signature collection features millions of authentic images—including these awe-inspiring Backgrounds images—that you won’t find on any other stock site.

Background Black Total Grunge Abstract Cement Concrete Paper Night Texture Copy Space Design template for presentation, flyer, card, poster, brochure, banner

Digitally generated image, perfectly usable for all kinds of topics related to computers, electronics or technology in general.

Speed Motion Abstract Neon Blue Colorful Blurred Stripes Spectrum Lines Black Background Prism Effect Dark Bright Technology Backdrop Distorted Macro Photography
Most popular Backgrounds photos
These eye-catching photos have a recognizable quality and universal appeal that connects with audiences everywhere.

A blurry photograph of an office setting. The open corridor is flooded with natural light from the glass wall on the left.

Blurred interior of modern office workplace a workspace design

Blur background of empty lobby in hospital.

Digitally generated abstract background image, perfectly usable for a wide range of topics like nightlife, autumn or Christmas.
Best practices for finding the best visuals
For helpful advice on choosing visuals that will elevate your brand, check out our blog
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