Lady paddling the kayak in the calm tropical bay

Sports And Recreation stock photos, images & pictures

Let’s get physical. Browse our library of royalty-free sports and recreation photos and get inspired by crushing football pictures, thrilling soccer shots, grand slam baseball images and fast-breaking basketball photos. Looking for something more less intense? Kick back with our amazing images of golf, cycling, fishing and swimming, among many others.

Unique Sports and recreation finds from our Signature collection

iStock’s ever-growing Signature collection features millions of authentic images—including these awe-inspiring Sports and recreation images—that you won’t find on any other stock site.

White Water Rafting

Group of people rafting on Koprulu Canyon near Antalya, Turkey

Little Boy Dribbling a Basketball

A multi-ethnic group of elementary age children are playing basketball together in the gym. They are dribbling the ball up the court.

Young woman on mountain top makes heart shape finger frame

Young woman hiking on the mountain top makes a heart shape finger frame above her head to the beautiful landscape.

Group of seniors adults with Yoga Instructor

Group of seniors adults with Yoga Instructor. Instructor is helping senior woman with a yoga pose. Horizontal shot.

Spring Hiking

Woman hiking over the mountain meadow full of blooming crocus flowers.

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